
How to stop child from crying in the mornings

Every school morning started off the same way. My girl would cry every morning she had to go to school. The clock would strike 7:00am and I would roll out of bed and walk to my 5-year-old daughter’s room to wake her up. “We’re going to be late!” After calling her name a few times with no results, I would grasp her by the ankles and pull her toward me to change her clothes while her eyes were still shut. She sobbed, kicked and screamed. And the tears would continue to flow through the brushing of teeth, the visit to the restroom, brushing of the hair. Needless to say this was extremely frustrating for me and my wife and it would kick off every single day on a downer. Was I alone? Was my child the only one in the world to have such a hard time waking up? We were kids once. Perhaps we have forgotten how difficult it was for us to get out of bed and get ready in the mornings to go to school. The 30-Minute Rule My pastor told me about a type of daily meditation exercise refe...